Venus Variation

A USA vtuber advice senpai who likes to empower and help others. I strive for beauty inside vs. outside. I want to showcase my art/fashion, so my visuals will change regularly! I take on many forms. I am the Venus Variation. Find out more or join my DiscordHere from Twitch? Check my Commands, Rules (extended) Credits & FAQ'S below! :D

Stream Avatars Commands
!help — Displays a list of basic commands.
!avatars — Displays a list of available avatars.
!avatars <choice> — Forces your avatar to change to the chosen avatar.
!gear — Displays a list of available gear items that are inside the chosen gear set.
!gear <choice> — Displays a list of available gear sets.
!nametags — Displays a list of available nametags.
!nametags <choice> — Equips the chosen nametag.
!actions — Displays a list of available actions for the current avatar.!show — Displays a list containing avatar, color, gear, and nametag this is currently equipped.
(also brings the avatar to the highest avatar layer)
!shop — Displays a list to navigate the shop options.
!buy actions — Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.
!buy gear — Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.
!buy nametags — Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.
!bet — Displays instructions for using the roulette game.
!bet <amount> <bet-type> — Places a bet on the bet-type for the roulette game.
!duel <target> <amount> — Challenge the target user to a duel for an amount of currency, winner takes all.
(bet types: red/black, odd/even, 0-36, 1st12, 2nd12, or 3rd12.
!slots <amount> — Bet an amount on the slot machine.
(bet amounts are limited between 5 and 500 by default).
More commands at

Extended Rules
If you have been muted or kicked the below may be why! :) Ty for your support and stopping into a stream!
1. No racism, hate speech, spamming weird msgs or anything else that puts my channel at risk or my sanity or violates Twitch ToS. :P Absolutely NO sexual objectification (towards myself or any woman; including those who identify), no discrimination, harrassment or hate speech will be tolerated here! (including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, religiophobia, (yep, i just made that up for you religion haters) or intentional misgendering, etc.) I teach about abuses of all types, so "just jokes", "just being sarcastic" & bad faith questions/arguments are not excuses for poor behavior here. "Read the room" xD2. You may ask me for advice dealing with personal, relationship or financial problems. It's literally why I'm on here. Note: I will not be held responsible for the outcome of taking my advice. As with anything, have wisdom and always Due Diligence > random peoples advice or opinions on a stream. ALWAYS.3. There will be NO objectification /demoralization or abusive speech towards myself or women in my chat as I have seen allowed by other female hosted chats. Note: If you engage in this, you will be kicked. I don't want to kick anyone, but this will not be tolerated on my stream. This is a place of fun, chill, and learning. Ty!4. Don't self promote or talk about your own stream, unless I am okay with it~or we have talked about it ahead of time.5. Please keep politics out of the chat for the sake of escapism and fun. Unless the topic is politics, if so, please stay on topic.6. If I EVER do make you feel uncomfortable in anyway. I apologize. I try to be honest AND helpful with all. Often you will feel the embrace of a warm light from me, but sometimes in order to accept my guidance/advice, sometimes it can draw out deep emotions and traumas that may not be ready to be faced and that can hurt. I don't EVER want or try to deliberately hurt anyone, even as trolling - as that's not poggers. :) Above all, I want you all to feel safe here and validated in your expression. Ty.7. No personal life questions in the Q&A's please! I am here to inform/teach & entertain you. If I share or do not want to share something personal with you, respect it and respect others who share as well.♥. Try to not start a parasocial relationship with The Venus Variation. VTubers are like digital-age geisha. She hosts, she entertains, she listens to you, she responds. Maybe it's because we let viewers into our world, or because the live-streaming format feels candid or because of our unprecedented accessibility, but there's something about being an entertainer that blurs the line between viewer and friend and can be especially true as I am an advice vtuber and no matter who one is, I do attempt as best I can to help others (I am NOT perfect, please do not put me on pedestal). It can be very hard for some to keep a healthy distance from fans. I am known to be caring, kind, open, accepting; for some fans, due to this nature it can occasionally be hard to tell the difference between being entertainer and caring about helping others by sharing life & life related advice or experiences; and difference between being a close companion or being a vtubers' love interest.

What is your favorite dad joke?
My favorite dad joke is both of my dads XD
What does your name mean to you?
My name has a few reasons for its meaning; I once followed societies empty messages to women that beauty could be bought, attained and my only worth was tied to it. I found out that is a lie and have spent my time searching for TRUE beauty; which comes from inside and is of character which cannot be bought and isn't a product. I am now living that truth, and that is now the Venus Variation. Venus symbolizes beauty, I strive for beauty inside vs outside. My last name Variation because to me it symbolizes constantly growing and changing nature of myself yet always headed toward variety of self-improvement. it ALSO means as a creative artist, I often have a REALLY hard time picking just 1 style of anything, so I'm constantly varying my fashion style, my music genres, my social media images and my style/colors and that's sometimes based on feels/vibes & inspiration; which is constantly changing.
What are you passionate about/why do you stream?
I'm passionate about helping women and men / and empowering those who have suffered and defending them. I'm passionate about music, (all types) anime (all types), health, style trends/fashion (all types) and art (a variety) games (a variety) - see the pattern here? XD this is why "branding" is difficult for someone like me ...
What are your goals?
My goal is to share my hard earned wisdom, help others through their trials and share new knowledge and create with like minded people who are also seeking self improvement, self actualization and want support in hard times.
What is your go to weapon in a zombie apocalypse?
I would have to say any kind of sword or katana or weapon type that I can wield with force and cut things off quickly. I don't do well with shooting or guns (as u will see when I try ANY FPS game) though I do like them. :)
What's your favorite color?
I love all colors.. but #0c6c2b makes me feel things ^
How many people have you helped?
Hundreds.. I have also probably inspired hundreds as well at any given time in my life. Don't just take my word for it though, I rather you ask them ^
What type of video games do you like?
I like fighting games, survival & sandbox games, I like games with character creation, mmorpgs, I like any games I can create or mod in.
What's your favorite type of music?
I love anything with a hard ass beat, and a strong bassline; OR a catchy melody, OR and a strong message. If it has all 3 - Imma be hooked.
If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?
It would be the power to have more superpowers XD nah I want the power to heal others and the power to read minds.

***Stream Credits: **
Overlays: By me OR stream elements
Stingers: Spooky - Ko-fi
My Model/Clothes Design: Myself (unless where credited)Music
All Stream Music (by gracious permission):
by Subtonic Sounds w/Venus Variation vox
MotusVibes w/Venus Variation vox
L6 w/Venus Variation vox
Mokka Music
*unless otherwise noted.
Badges: at 1 year and 3 year
graciously created by @dannisimpsonart
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3700 8Core
GPU: Radeon RX460
Power Supply: Thermaltake Smart 500W
Motherboard: TufGaming B550 Plus